I am a Lecturer in Statistics in the School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, with a background in marine ecology. I am passionate about statistical education and my main area of scholarship is in "Statistics Anxiety". My biological research interests lie in quantifying the individual- and population-level drivers of animal movements, and predicting the impact of anthropogenic disturbance and environmental change on animals.
My PhD research investigated the movement and behavioural ecology of seals (grey and harbour seals) in tidal stream environments and their potential interactions with marine renewable energy (MRE) devices. To study this I deployed biologging devices on seals captured in the wild. Through my research I provided evidence and advice to industry and policymaking authorities for regulating and licencing new developments. I am always keen to build collaborations and meet like-minded individuals. Please get in touch if you would like to work together or find out more about me or my research. Contact me via email: [email protected] or social media: @willpkay |